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Sunday, May 12, 2024
The Observer

Bring back bad, rad

With all this snow continually fallen down upon us, I considered writing something about the misery among the student body about the denial of a snow day. But then I decided that, well, at this point, my efforts to convince anyone of authority that snow days in college would be beneficial for our existence would be futile.

I must admit, however, that it was ridiculous that all the schools in the South Bend community had the day off. I am bound and determined to have a snow day before I graduate in 2006.

So now that the whole snow day issue is out in the open, I can breathe easy and move to the important part of this, dare I say, unimportant column.

Over semester break, I decided to bring back the words "bad" and "rad." Okay, so that's really a blast from the past. So why would I attempt to bring something back that dwindled away for a reason?

I think "cool," "hot," "neato" and other such adjectives do not fully express my emotions - whether they be about clothes or anything else. Besides, if you've stepped into a mall anytime in the past three months - if you haven't, then I'm sorry - it is obvious that 80's style is making a comeback. I still haven't decided whether I like the fashion trends reemerging, but they are, nonetheless.

Lately, I've been reflecting a lot on my elementary school years and the "pop culture" of the time. It really all started when I purchased Michael Jackson's newest CD, "One," which is made up of his songs which hit number one on the charts. It really took me back - back to the days of bright colors, pogs and the words "bad" and "rad."

As I was cruising the streets of the ATL over break, I felt compelled to dance to the rhythms of my childhood. I even found myself in the car one night with my mom, and we reminisced about the "old days" when I was a little kid, dancing around the house to Michael Jackson's song of the moment.

But it wasn't until I found myself in Kentucky, on my drive back to South Bend, that it hit me like a brick wall. I turned to my friend Kat and said, "That's it. I'm bringing it back."

Kat was confused and asked me what it was I wanted to bring back. I looked at her all serious-like and said sternly, "The word 'bad.' I'm bringing it back. Wanna help?"

After further reflection, I felt that "rad" needed to make a comeback, as well.

So here I am, writing this column, asking you, faithful Inside Column readers, to help me out by using the words "bad" and "rad." I will forever be in your debt.