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Friday, April 19, 2024
The Observer

Boycott Beijing

Last week's events in Tibet reminded the world what China really is. Behind the mask of new economic prosperity and porous borders lies a nightmare of human rights violations, zero freedom of the press, and frequent hostile military action in the face of peaceful protest.

In an effort to extend economic interest and "open" a closed world, the international community ignored a patterned history of irresponsible and egregious behavior and awarded China the 2008 Winter Olympic Games. The Olympics holds to a mantra of respecting universal fundamental ethical principles and preserving human dignity. From 1989 Tiananmen Square to last week in Tibet, China has repeatedly ignored human rights, and crushed human dignity within their country. China is in complete discord with the Olympic Movement.

Contrary to President Bush's statement, the Olympics is much more than sport. Awarding the 2008 Winter Games to China was a deep oversight. China's lack of responsibility spreads beyond their borders. The country's economic interest in Africa coupled with its permanent spot on the U.N. Security Council has helped to extend the conflict in Darfur (leading to the popular label "Genocide Olympics").

In addition, the country's complete disregard for the environment threatens the entire world. The hopes that the Olympic Games would lead to a new order in China has been exposed as farce. China's human rights record stands as a mockery to the Olympic Games. I ask Olympic athletes and viewers alike to "Boycott Beijing!"; boycott the Genocide Olympics.

Jeffrey Koch


Morrissey Hall

March 24