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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The Observer

We deserve ND

Dear Ms. Stephan ("Student behavior embarrassing," Nov. 24),

You have gone too far. I acknowledge that the snowball-throwing wasn't the best thing for Our Lady's PR Department, but you have overstepped the boundaries of this issue. I am referring to your assertion that we, the student body, "are undeserving of the university so many of us love." Even as a non-snowball-thrower, I am deeply offended.

I am not quite sure how to respond to your implication that we do not love our university. To keep it simple, you are wrong. (While I understand you believe our behavior displays a lack of respect and love, if we really didn't love Notre Dame, we wouldn't have remained in the stadium for the entirety of the game in 18 degree weather.) To assert that we do not deserve this University is the sharpest and most unjust insult you could have delivered. It is a blatant slap in the face to anyone, student or parent, who has worked hard and made sacrifices to make this education possible.

The senior class, more than any of us, deserves this University. And Saturday night, they deserved a win. You may criticize our behavior, you may even talk down to us like we are children, but you have no right to tell us that we do not deserve our university.

Go Irish.

Whitley Esteban


Lewis Hall

Nov. 24