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Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The Observer

Union sentiments misplaced

A group of us Food Service employees have to wonder just who the people are that CLAP represents. Ranging in service for this fine University from five to 19 years, we would like to thank the University for all it has done for us and the community, from the wonderful support to paid vacations and sick time.

Unfortunately, there are some that either haven't worked at a diner or other food establishment or it's been so long they have forgotten what that used to be like. I value the thought of the University to pay for our children's secondary education. We hope this is just a few disgruntled people who are just getting the attention of some well-meaning students that are trying to do the right thing. We hope these fine students can find more positive places for their energy to go. We hope we speak for the vast majority of staff and faculty in saying NO to any talk of a Union.

Glad to be at ND,

Colin Layman


South Dining Hall

Dave Shidler

maintenance technician

North Dining Hall

Dec. 9