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Monday, May 13, 2024
The Observer


The Notre Dame campus is wrapping up one of the traditional weeks of the year - AnTostal week.And while it may not be the most exciting week for some, there is one thing that everyone should love about the week, and the fact that it brings out the kid in each person on campus.The week started on Monday with T-shirt tie dying, something that definitely throws everyone back to his or her childhood. When else could someone wear a shirt that incorporated so many colors and get away with it? Outside O'Shag, the AnTostal folk were giving away snap bracelets, which I'm pretty sure can only be purchased using tickets won at Chuck E. Cheese. Finally, that night was the quarter dog eating contest. No worrying about being proper or about being overweight, as many have to do once they get older, it's just a perfect opportunity to stuff hot dogs in your mouth without worrying about being judged.Tuesday continued the childhood fun with a game of freeze tag, straight from kindergarten gym class, at which they offered a huge favorite of most 10 year olds - freeze pops. The eating contest got even better as people competed by consuming large amounts of Twinkies, and "Heavyweights" was shown on North Quad. Freeze tag with freeze pops, lots of Twinkies and "Heavyweights" is like heaven for a fourth grader.Wednesday was a bit slow with the children's activities, but a large group of people Hula-Hooping on North Quad definitely made up for that. The Hula Hoops, along with the Irish Quarterback contest and the Knott Wiffle Ball tournament created a nearly perfect recess-like atmosphere.With Thursday came the king of all childhood events - and the fulfillment of everyone's childhood dreams - the AnTostal Spring carnival. Not only were they offering free popcorn and snow cones, but South Quad was filled with enough inflatables to make the rich kid from "Blank Check" jealous. The AnTostal carnival offered a moon bounce, an inflatable figure-8 race, an inflatable boxing ring and other games, which could keep a college student, not to mention a pre-teen, occupied for hours.AnTostal offers something rare for college students, or anyone over the age of twelve for that matter. It allows everyone to stop worrying about school, stop worrying about relationship problems, stop worrying about finding a job and to just be a kid again. That is about the greatest gift that could be given to the overworked, sleep deprived and stressed Notre Dame community.