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Thursday, April 18, 2024
The Observer

Truth on orientation

Historians, psychologists, anthropologists, political scientists and videographers are usually extremely subjective. Their disciplines are limited. A historian will never know all events throughout all of history. A psychologist will never be able to comprehend the inner-workings of every human mind that has ever existed. An anthropologist will never experience every culture. A political scientist will never know every political structure in history. A videographer will never be able to see every video ever created. They are limited by their life spans and the constant movement of time. They will always be able to do some research, but they will never be able to do all research.

Thus, these researchers and their respective fields are unable to completely answer timeless questions on their own. The only complete way to objectively view reality would be to see all of the universe in all of history all at the same time. So, how can students at a Catholic university pursue Truth?

In theology, we pursue the only Being with a truly objective view of reality. In the study of God, we discern Truths that are timeless and uncontestable. Theology enables us to learn about the rightful Judge of reality.

I commend many ideals behind Gail Bederman's "Scholarship on sexual orientation" (March 24). The fields examining the issue of sexual orientation are certainly academic, but they are lacking in this proposed column. Alone, they fail to fully aid in "informed political and ethical judgments." "Solid and up-to-date knowledge" is not complete by itself. Our constantly changing and evolving knowledge must be examined in the light of eternal truths.

In failing to include philosophy and theology in this column, we enter into the relativistic culture of ignoring and denying Truth, and we fail in our mission as a Catholic university. History, psychology, anthropology, political science and film are certainly important disciplines, but they are incomplete when we attempt to separate them from the Truth. We must accept the eternal in our mortal pursuits. Otherwise, when the winds buffet and blow, as they have throughout history, these fields will not stand.

Christopher Damian
Dillon Hall
March 29

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.