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Saturday, April 20, 2024
The Observer

Attempted sexual assault reported

Notre Dame Security Police (NDSP) emailed students Sunday night alerting them to a report of attempted sexual assault that occurred early Saturday morning.

The reported attempt took place near the lakes as the suspect and victim were walking back to the victim’s residence hall from off campus, and the report was made to a campus administrator, the email stated.

The email quoted “du Lac: A Guide to Student Life,” Notre Dame’s official policy book, and warned students of the risks of sexual assault as well as the standards of consent.

“Sexual assault can happen to anyone,” the email stated. “Anyone initiating any kind of sexual contact with another person must seek consent and not engage in sexual contact unless consent is given.

“According to du Lac, ‘Consent means informed, freely given agreement, communicated by clearly understandable words or actions, to participate in each form of sexual activity. Consent cannot be inferred from silence, passivity or lack of active resistance.’ Importantly, intoxication is not an excuse for failure to obtain consent, and a person who is incapacitated — whether by alcohol, drugs or otherwise — is incapable of giving consent.”

Students should maintain caution and awareness of their surroundings to avoid risks, the email stated.

“On college campuses, perpetrators are more likely to assault an acquaintance than a stranger. Being aware of your own safety and watching out for your friends are important steps you can take to reduce the risk of sexual assault.

“The perpetrator, not the survivor, is responsible for any instance of sexual assault. Nothing a survivor does or does not do is an excuse for sexual assault.”