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Monday, March 3, 2025
The Observer

A love letter to chocolate

Dear Chocolate,
I don't always tell you this, but I wanted to take a moment now to reflect on all you do for me.
When you came into my life 19 years ago, my world changed. I suddenly realized all other foods pale in comparison to your creamy and sweet taste. It took no time at all for me to fall madly in love with you and I can say without a shadow of a doubt my feelings have not changed.
If I have had a bad day, I hold you in my hand and immediately feel a world better. No matter what form you take, you constantly delight me (although my dining hall favorite is cookies n' cream froyo with m&ms).
You are full of great advice, such as, "Listen to your heartbeat and dance," and, "Sing along with the elevator music." However, my personal favorite is, "Buy yourself flowers." Thank you, Dove wrapper. You are so wise and good to me.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
Hot fudge, Nutella, magic shell, Kit Kat bars, s'mores and brownies. Pancakes shine in your presence, cheesecake with you in it is my Achilles' heel. And of course, the personal favorite of my friends and I: lava cakes from Dominoes, paired with a classic order of 32 parmesan poppers, which brighten any dark night spent studying.
Seriously, I cannot find words to accurately describe my feelings about how wonderful you are. You are so dependent, so loyal. I never wonder if you will let me down; whenever I need you, you are there.
You also build community. You have mysterious people skills. You never speak, but somehow you bring people together without words. When my friends and I bake randomly, you bring us together to laugh and do a really good job of screwing up recipes.
You connect me to my family. My grandmother, mother and sister all have not just one sweet tooth each, but mouths full of sweet teeth. The kitchen is constantly wafting the smell of baking cookies, brownies or cake through our house. We give you away as gifts to show other people we love them and especially to show each other how much we love each other, because giving you away is a difficult act of love and self-restraint which requires much strength.
In conclusion, you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.
I want all of you, forever, you and me...
Love, Katie
P.S. The Dove wrapper that says, "Chocolate therapy is oh, so good," speaks the truth. Preach, Dove wrapper.

Contact Katie McCarty at
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