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Sunday, March 16, 2025
The Observer

Pangborn Hall to open to women's hall transfers

Starting next year, Pangborn Hall will serve as an interim housing for undergraduate women before they transition to the new women’s dorm opening in the fall of 2020, Heather Rakoczy Russell, associate vice president for Residential Life, announced in a statement Friday.

“Residential Life is seeking at least 30 current undergraduate women [rising seniors, juniors and sophomores] who would choose to transfer to Pangborn for 2019-2020, and then we would assign another 70 new students (incoming first-year and transfer students) to round out the community,” Russell said in the statement.

Moving these students into Pangborn will both ease overcrowding in women's halls and prepare a community for the new dorm, Russell said. Pangborn is anticipated to hold anywhere from 100 to 131 residents.

Russell said Residential Life is offering several incentives to women to transfer into the dorm. The first 10 seniors who apply to transfer, as well as resident assistants, are guaranteed singles. The first 10 juniors who apply are also guaranteed singles, and the first 10 sophomores who apply are guaranteed housing. The $500 per-semester fee for all singles will be waived for students who choose to transfer to Pangborn.

The lottery number for room picks will be "tied to application order," Russell said in the statement.

Pangborn is expected to offer 15 doubles as singles for seniors, 10 additional singles, 40 doubles, three two-room quads, two three-room quads, two two-room triples as well as study rooms, a fitness area and community space.

Students who want to transfer into Pangborn can apply in the Home Under the Dome portal starting Feb. 11.