Patrick Lee and Sofie Stitt have been elected Notre Dame student body president and vice president, respectively, for the 2022-2023 term, earning 54.61% of the valid votes.
Voting took place Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Election results were released Wednesday at 11 p.m. in an email to the student body from the Notre Dame judicial council. Lee and Stitt will begin their term as student body leaders on April 1.
The judicial council reported that Lee-Stitt won with a vote of 2656 over 2208 votes for the Stinson-Sherman ticket. There were 239 abstentions. The voter turnout was 57.82% — the highest turnout of the past five years.
Lee said he wanted to thank the student body for the support they’ve been shown over the course of the campaign.
“Thank you for believing in us. We want to give a huge thank you to everybody who worked on the campaign,” Lee said.
Stitt echoed Lee’s sentiment, thanking their team for “keeping them together.”
Lee and Stitt, both current hall presidents for Stanford and Pasquerilla West Halls, respectively, ran on a platform of bringing the power back to students, primarily through a proposed reintroduction of the Student Life Council (SLC).
Lee and Stitt both emphasized their thankfulness for being able to further serve the Notre Dame student body.
“This place is our home, and these people are our family,” Stitt said. “We are so blessed and honored to be able to serve them for another year.”
Lee and Stitt will now start the process of selecting their cabinet, along with other necessary preparations for their term.
“The next steps would be learning as much as possible about the current operations of student government, so that we can best shape our path forward to accomplish every goal that we set out,” Lee said.
Lee-Stitt wins Notre Dame student body election
Courtesy of J
Juniors Patrick Lee and Sofia Stitt have won the Notre Dame student body election, the judicial council announced Wednesday night. The two will begin their term on April 1.