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Friday, March 14, 2025
The Observer

To uncover the truth and report it accurately

I may not go around announcing myself as a stujo (student journalist), but in my sixteen months with The Observer, I would confidently call myself a news writer and editor. I have developed a love for The Observer and student journalism beyond my wildest dream that has further developed my interest in writing and my enjoyment “to uncover the truth and report it accurately.”

From remotely editing from my Le Mans dorm to my first day in the office learning the ins and outs of production nights, every moment felt like a step closer to becoming a real student journalist. Every challenge and success fueled my motivation to continue, despite the late nights, approaching deadlines and those cursed Oxford commas. 

It might have been my obsession with Riverdale and the iconic blue and gold that sparked my interest in writing for a student lead newspaper, but even Cole Sprouse himself was not the reason I found a love for journalism. My time with The Observer has opened my eyes to a world of possibilities I did not know could be for me.

I remember my first interaction with The Observer, back in 2019, in the Angela field house for the Saint Mary’s activities fair. I had dragged myself and a couple of friends to the fair, going along a line and stopping at every table that sparked our attention or had free swag. When I split from my friends to roam around like the main character, I found myself standing in front of a table with The Observer flag draping over it. Walking over to the table, awkwardly looking at the old copies displayed, I was met with two icons: the girlboss herself Maria Leontaras and my favorite country bumpkin, Evan McKenna.

While it took me almost a year after that interaction to actually write my first piece, I would have never expected to be where I am today with my dedication to uncover the truth and report it accurately. I won’t bore you with the hardships and success, because they equally hold a place in my heart. I have learned, I have grown, I have cried, I have existed, I have tolerated and I have chuckled with The Observer. So I would like to leave you, readers, with a ranking of my top 5 Observer moments. Enjoy, I know I did.

My top 5 Observer moments 

1. Getting an email from Genevieve Coleman inquiring to see if I would be interested in being an associate news editor

I had no clue what I was getting myself into, but I knew with Gen as the Saint Mary’s Editor I would be in good hands, and I mean who would say no to Genevieve Coleman. Thank you for giving me a chance Gen, and an even bigger thank you for all the amazing work you have done.

2. Getting to cover Saint Mary’s News

Having the opportunity to cover news not only for my friends and peers, but for the tri-campus community has been an honor. I have been able to cover some monumental moments at Saint Mary’s, including the Inauguration of President Conboy, and I will always feel honored to have gotten the opportunity to, say it with me this time, uncover the truth and report it accurately.

3. First production night

After almost a semester working remotely, I was able to go into the office in the fall of 2020 to begin working in-person production shifts. These long nights editing and getting to interact with other Observer staffers have been some of the funniest nights. I knew it was going to be a memorable experience. I can definitely say I would not have imagined — at any moment — that Gacha life would be playing as I finished up one of my shifts, but that’s the office for you — unpredictable, just like student journalism always is.

4. Getting paired with Graphics Editor Maggie Klaers

If you don’t already know, Maggie is an icon and girlboss, so when I found out she was my partner I was excited, to say the least. Thanks for a fun night Maggie and for being the best partner.

5. Finally getting the chance to go into The Observer office at Saint Mary’s, only to hear from Gen that there was a moldy fridge and we actually couldn’t go in yet.

When Genevieve and I were finally able to access the office in the fall of 2020, I was quickly made aware by Gen that there was a moldy fridge in the office that was an actual danger to our well-being. In other words, false hope. It wouldn’t be until a couple of weeks later that we could actually enter the small room in the basement of the student center. The office has brought me many laughs, and maybe allergies from the dust, but you have to take the good and the bad I guess.

I haven’t lived, loved and laughed during my time because as you know we’re are no longer in those conditions, but I have existed, tolerated and chuckled during my time with The Observer. I hope you have enjoyed these words from a student journalist, and I highly encourage you to support student journalism. Pick up a copy of the paper or even consider writing, trust me, you won’t regret it <3

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.