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Saturday, March 8, 2025
The Observer

This Thanksgiving we're thankful for...

Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

Thanksgiving is this Thursday. This is what members of The Observer are grateful for.

Forgiveness and second chances Maggie Eastland, Editor-in-Chief

There’s nothing that will strike fear in a journalist’s heart quite like the word “correction.” But we’ve all made mistakes, and we’ve all written something that missed the mark. In my personal life too, I know I’ve missed the mark. I am deeply grateful for those in my life who show me love even when I am not at my best. I can confidently say that includes every staff member of The Observer and so many other people I have had the joy of knowing. Thanks for forgiving my mistakes and letting me try again. This is a gift I cannot earn, but one I hope to reciprocate.

Looking backRyan Peters, Managing Editor

After senior day on Saturday and with Thanksgiving on Thursday, it’s hard not to spend this time reflecting. While we seniors brace for all of our “lasts” coming up in the next six months, I find the sadness that comes with those “lasts” overwhelmed by how fortunate I am to have spent my last 3+ years at Notre Dame. I’m fortunate to attend a school that’s not only introduced me to so many amazing friends and opened up so many opportunities — like The Observer — but that’s also allowed me to share a special bond with so many in my family

The little things José Sánchez Córdova, Assistant Managing Editor

I’m grateful for all the little things. Thanks to Mom for the chats and cleaning advice. Thanks to Dad for the recipes and the endless sports talk. Thanks to my aunt for sending me the Wordle. Thanks to my sister and my cousins who send me memes that make me smile. Thanks to my friends who gave me rides to campus. Thanks to my neighbors who come over to watch TV and crack jokes. And for all the other little things I couldn’t mention, thank you. 

The health of my family(ies)— Hannah Hebda, Assistant Managing Editor

I’m so thankful that both my family at home and my Notre Dame family are all in good health. Having such wonderful people to be impacted by and to learn from daily is a blessing in and of itself, so I am incredibly grateful they are all in good health and can keep growing as people too.

Pasture Point  Gabrielle Beechert, Assistant Managing Editor

For as long as I can remember, all my aunts, uncles and cousins on my mom’s side of the family get together for Thanksgiving. Up until about two years ago, we would spend the holiday at my home in New York. Now, we go to my aunt and uncle’s house, which my immediate family calls Pasture Point, named after the road my aunt and uncle live on. We’ve gone there once or twice a year since they moved in, and it’s one of the places I feel happiest. It’s a beautiful home, and it accommodates all our family (and friends) perfectly. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays because of my family, and I can’t wait to see them this week. 

RobotsPeter Breen, Interim Notre Dame News Editor

I’m thankful for the Starship robots which keep me well-fed on chilly South Bend nights. And I’m also thankful for ChatGPT not being able to write as well as my wonderful colleagues at The Observer.

Friends and family — Emma Duffy, Social Media Editor  

I know it is basic, but I can not overstate how thankful I am for my support system. My friends and family have given me more than I could ever ask for. I am thankful for them and the entire Notre Dame family!

My dogAnna Falk, Scene Editor

Cassie Lou, my 10-year-old golden retriever, is my best friend in the world. This Thanksgiving break, I will see her for the first time since August, and I am elated. Without her being by my side, I know I would not be where I am today. 

Email — Claire Lyons, Viewpoint Editor

I appreciate every single letter to the editor that lands in my inbox. Some are incredibly moving. Others will never make it into our print edition. Still, I want to thank every person who has reached out to me. Your vulnerability has inspired me to start writing letters of my own. Thank you to the power of email — for opening me up and bringing me closer to my loved ones (regardless of distance).

Thanksgiving Sofia CrimiVaroli, Photo Editor

This year, I am thankful for the wonderful Thursday that is Thanksgiving. I will see my family and enjoy a brief break to relax. It is also my favorite meal of the year — from my brother’s “world famous” yams to the only turkey I enjoy all year. Thanksgiving is perfectly timed to give students their last breath of fresh air and a home-cooked meal before the turmoil of finals.

Time to reflect — Andrew McGuinness, Sports Editor

This semester has been a total whirlwind for me. And yeah, I’m still going to wind up working over break more than I should. But I know break will provide a moment to scroll through pictures of some great moments on my phone (and lament about things I hoped would happen but haven’t) without feeling the weight of my workload crushing my shoulders quite as much.

Love and comfort Christina Sayut, Graphics Editor

I am thankful for how loved and how comfortable I have felt in the past few weeks. Shoutout to all of my wonderful friends and family members who have called me, walked me home or just checked in on me. Life is a lot better when you can feel the support that you have.

Steak– Jonah Tran, Viewpoint Columnist

I am thankful for steak, the chunk of medium-rare cow flesh that represents the centerpiece of countless meals with family, the topic of numerous Gordon Ramsay YouTube videos and the core of my passion for cooking, grilling and preparing meat. It is far superior to its poultry counterpart and it is precisely what I will be making for my family this Thanksgiving.

Sorry, turkey. 

Friends Grace Sullivan, Viewpoint Columnist 

It’s cliche, but I am so incredibly thankful for my friends. Their support and company are one of a kind and I never fail to be inspired by each and every one of them. To many more adventures, laughter and Dave’s Hot Chicken dinners!

Lines Kate Casper, Viewpoint Columnist

This year, I’m grateful for lines — not the lines you draw or the ones recite on stage, the lines you wait in. I’m talking Boom Boom Chicken salad lines, lines outside of much-coveted South Bend establishments, TSA lines, grocery store lines, coffee shop lines and drive-thru lines. I’m grateful for lines because sometimes they can be really fun (with flirting and chatting and making small talk). They can also be opportunities to take a deep breath, look around and savor the present experience. Because, even if it is just NDH on a Tuesday, I swear it’s still pretty great.

FamilyAndrew Marciano, Viewpoint Copyeditor

Like the movie “The Fast and the Furious,” I am thankful for my family, my mom, my dad and my brother for always being supportive and loving! Thank you also to my dog for staying with me almost my entire life and being a pure source of love (despite how much he yaps). Lastly, I would like to thank the food this Thursday because it will be far superior to any repetitive Trader Joe's meal I’d have cooked up. 

Sisters Erin Drumm, Viewpoint Columnist

As Jo March said, “I could never love anyone as I love my sisters.”

This Thanksgiving I am grateful for my sisters, who make my life better just by being there. My sisters make my days more joyful by being my biggest fans and more importantly, being the only people to understand my obscure movie and pop culture references. (Memorizing every line to “Soul Surfer” one summer has done us well.)

My College Experience — Joy Agwu, Viewpoint Columnist

I am grateful for these four years at Notre Dame and for my favorite people who have supported me through it all. It has been a wonderful journey filled with growth, cherished friendships and invaluable opportunities. If my wide-eyed freshman self could see me now, she'd be amazed by how much we've grown since those first days on campus.

My roommates Moira Quinn, Viewpoint Columnist

This year, I am grateful for my amazing roommates. Emma, Izzi and Val, thank you for being the best friends a girl could ever ask for. Here’s to another year of mid-day futon naps, stealing each other’s clothes and many other things I definitely can’t put in writing.

Pragmatic OptimismDane Sherman, Viewpoint Columnist

A bright cheetah blanket saran wrapped her body, dark curls drooping from her head and a radiating smile pierced between our awkward bodies crunched together on the airplane. For the five-hour plane ride we talked about her job as a nurse, the three kids she loves and the friends she’s returning home to. At the end of the four-hour conversation, she told me, “I mess up every day and I’m so grateful the people I love always see the best in me.” 

That’s what I’m most thankful for — youthful idealism in the possibility of people and the world and pragmatism in the human condition. Thanks for putting up with me and the messed up world around us.

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.