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Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024
The Observer

Members elect new chairman, debate TCE release

The Faculty Senate elected Seth Brown, professor of Chemistry, as its new chairperson at its Tuesday.Brown succeeded John Robinson, who stepped down due to an illness. Jacqueline Brogan was appointed to Brown's previous position, chair of the Academic Affairs committee. The Academic Affairs committee discussed the library budget, specifically the loss of significant journal subscriptions. "I'm really stunned at the loss of online services that could be made cheaper, but aren't being recognized by the University as legitimate," said Brogan. "If they want us to be the best of the best, then we have to have those journals."The Administrative Affairs committee announced that it would present revisions to the grievance procedure resolution at the Senate's next meeting. The committee plans to consider faculty complaints regarding the newly formatted letter being sent to tenure candidates in the College of Arts and Letters. Many faculty members have expressed dissatisfaction with the new requirements these letters set forth. "Many feel that the stakes have been raised significantly," said chair of the Administrative Affairs committee Paula HigginsThe Benefits committee also updated the Senate on their progress and announced plans to meet with retirees to discuss issues and concerns regarding health benefits for retirees. The Student Affairs committee will participate in an Academic Council ad hoc committee to consider student proposals for changes in the format of Teacher Course Evaluations. Committee Chair Jay Brandenberger said that early feedback suggests that faculty members wish to honor student concerns while keeping faculty issues in mind."There is no great opposition to publication [of Teacher Course Evaluations] as long as faculty concerns are met," he said.