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Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024
The Observer

The joys of spring

Suddenly, it hits you. You're sitting in DeBartolo, listening to a professor drone on about the latest developments in some earth-shattering, life-saving technique that is probably infinitely more important than the source of your current distraction. You take a quick glance out the window and realize ... it's gorgeous outside! Perfect, breezy, 67 degree weather with scattered white clouds set in a clear blue sky. The harsh winter of South Bend has finally broken and all that you love and loathe about the end of the school year is finally here.No matter where you walk these afternoons, Frisbees, footballs and happily frolicking students fill the various quads on campus. With a little luck, you might even be able to lean on your professor to take that discussion class outdoors (while of course insisting it's only in the best interest of holding the class' attention on such a beautiful day). Who would have thought that a usually tiring hour and 15-minute class could fly by with a little sunshine and wind at your back?Once again, the spring semester has zoomed by and it is that time to say good-bye to the graduating seniors, who have been mentors, playful bullies and long-time friends. As hard as it is for us lowly underclassmen to concentrate on upcoming finals and schoolwork, I could only imagine how hard it must be for our graduating seniors to focus a mere month before graduation. Even those seniors who have been saying all semester how much they are going to enjoy leaving this wonderful town of South Bend (in perhaps more colorful language than the words I have used) and all the hassles of classes behind, will probably want to return the first chance they get next year. As they take their last few trips to the Grotto and enjoy their last month of walking on hallowed ground, these memories of friends and brothers will hopefully last much longer than their last few weeks among us.It seems like just the other day that spring semester arrived with that cold blast of harsh January weather. And now it is just a month until the end of the year. Three whole months of sitting around doing absolutely nothing (for the lucky few) and, even better still, only five more months until we are back on campus for the start of the new school year and, what is infinitely more important, football season.How anyone could concentrate at a time like this is beyond me. It takes someone much greater than me to focus at times like these.