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Friday, Oct. 18, 2024
The Observer

Do it for the kids

We were shocked to learn that the Hall President's Council financial committee decided not to fund Zahm's signature event, the Spring Carnival. For those of you who don't know, the Spring Carnival is a cooperative effort with Big Brothers Big Sisters, La Casa de Amistad, Boys and Girls Club, Center for the Homeless and the Robinson Community Center to bring under-privileged children from the South Bend community on campus for a day of fun, games and free food. This is a very special experience for these kids because it gives them a day for which they don't have to worry about the tough world they grow up in; they just get to be kids. This is also a very rewarding experience for all students who participate, which includes residents of Zahm, Cavanaugh, Breen-Phillips and anyone else who happens to wander out onto North Quad.

Swayed by two members of the council, the financial committee decided to discontinue funding for this long-running event because "it is not inclusive to all of campus." Meanwhile, the Council decided to continue funding for events like the Keenan Revue, which provides no form of service to anyone, only includes the members of one dorm and is not even allowed on campus. Somehow the committee decided that making fun of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's students was more worthwhile than helping under-privileged children and giving back to the community.

I am embarrassed that the elected student leaders of Notre Dame could make such an absurd decision. This is a no-brainer. Reverse the decision, and like Matt Damon says, "Do it for the kids."

Mark Pomerenke


Joe Bizjak


Zahm Hall

Oct. 7
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The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.