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Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024
The Observer

Drunken homophobia

Sean Mullen, I am interested to know more about your state of mind when you wrote this. Your bigoted tirade can only be the result of A) a complete misunderstanding of Catholicism, education and logic or B) black-out drunkenness. You repeatedly used the term "openly practicing" in your letter. As far as I know, the only means by which someone could "openly practice" homosexuality is by having sex out on the quad and, in four years, I have yet to see that (homosexual or otherwise).

You claimed Obama is the "biggest pro-choice advocate in the world." I appreciate this comment in that it discredits most of what you say. Your use of hyperbole is exactly what Father Jenkins criticized in his own address. As a "hard-hitting Roman Catholic" (or so Facebook says), you probably know, but misunderstand, that the name of the nation that God created, Israel, translates to "he struggles with God." Varying perspectives facilitate that struggle.

I also assume that you've heard, and misconstrued, the Great Commandment: love thy neighbor as thyself. Asking someone to hide a legitimate aspect of themselves is not loving.

Your last misconception lies in the Catechism, which condemns the sexual acts and not any public admission of homosexuality nor homosexuality itself.

Finally, I object to your reference to "gays." Gay is an adjective, not a noun; it describes one facet of an individual. Please show minimal respect to people who are different than you are. At the very least, I would expect an Arts and Letters major to understand the difference between a noun and an adjective.

You are a modern day Pharisee. People like you distance Notre Dame from its Catholic identity with narrow-minded beliefs that starkly contrast the open-mindedness that marked Jesus' life. Prostitutes, tax-collectors and lepers; these are the people with whom Jesus spent his time; in other words, the marginalized. I am embarrassed that you speak your hateful words under the name of the faith that I love. I am embarrassed to be affiliated with you. Your understanding of Catholicism is objectively wrong and I can only hope that it was the result of many shots of tequila.

Beth Daley and Tati Estrada


off campus

Oct. 7

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.