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Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024
The Observer

Proud to be a woman

"What's your favorite 80's movie?" "If you could jump into a pool of anything, what would it be?" "If you could be any Pokemon, which one would you be?" These examples of previous Observer "Questions of the Day" somehow lead me to believe that these daily inquiries are not exactly meant to be deep, pressing, intellectually-stimulating questions.

Let's be honest. How many of us look to the "Question of the Day" thinking "Ooh! What riveting organic chemistry synthesis will they have for me today?" or "What will be the latest philosophical debate today?" Of course not. The "Question of the Day" is meant to be a frivolous question that makes us laugh and lets us (for a brief moment) not be serious.

Therefore, Colin Sullivan's comments must be taken in light of their context: in jest. No one would voice such inflammatory remarks on a light-hearted platform, and I urge all those up in arms to take the comment for what it was - a joke. If we start taking offense towards remarks with humorous intent, we are setting ourselves on a slippery slope towards censorship.

I, as a proud member of the female gender, am not offended by his answer because I read it for the joke that it was.

Kelly Jones


Welsh Family Hall

Oct. 5

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.