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Friday, Oct. 18, 2024
The Observer

Keenan Revue pushes envelope

Between Notre Dame "bros," Facebook creepers, Twilight and Tiger Woods, few Notre Dame or pop culture topics escaped the spotlight at the 2010 Keenan Revue, presented Thursday night in O'Laughlin Auditorium at Saint Mary's College. Traditionally, the men of Keenan Hall have been known to push the envelope, and this year is no exception.

Judging from some of the skit titles, "Flip and Tuck," and "Soviet Strippers," it was clear from the start the show would be edgy. Sure enough, the Revue delivered, as the audience witnessed appearances from a cross-dressing Miley Cyrus impostor, a lamenting Tiger Woods (accompanied by barber shop trio) and a foul-mouthed anthropomorphized

While nearly all the skits received a positive response from the audience, a few stood out above the rest.

"The whole show was really funny," freshman Kevin Doherty said, "but the Web site skit was the funniest. It was hilarious."

The skit Doherty refers to, the "Tangled Web," was a crowd favorite. The skit imagines a technological advancement that enables computer programs and Web sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Urban Dictionary to come to life.

"I thought all the Tiger Woods jokes were the funniest," freshman Dan Kinasz said.
While the show seemed to contain less of the typical "Saint Mary's jokes" it's been criticized for including in the past, it still managed to draw out shocked reactions from the audience. While many skits received uproarious laughter from the crowd, a few had more mixed responses, as audience members hesitated to laugh.

"At certain points, I didn't know whether we were supposed to laugh or gasp," Kinasz said.
"The show definitely pushed the envelope," freshman Steve LaBerge said. "I know it was all in good fun, but I'm surprised a few of the skits made it into the show."