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Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024
The Observer

Group votes on club allocations

The Saint Mary's Student Government Association (SGA) met Tuesday to discuss budget allocations for clubs on campus, including two appeals from campus clubs.

Both the Biology Club and the Social Work Club appealed the allotments received from SGA. Every club on campus is given the option to appeal its allotment and bring the issue to one of the SGA meetings.

Clubs can only appeal a decision "if a procedural error has been made by the finance committee," according to SGA finance committee bylaws.

After hearing the appeals, SGA members discussed as a group whether or not to grant appeals for both of the organizations. Many questions came up during the discussion.

"What exactly is a sponsorship?" senior class vice president Noelle Radko asked. "I'm not sure exactly what it is, and I know there may be some confusion about that among different clubs."

Student body president Nicole Gans explained that sponsorships, according to the finance bylaws, "serve to cover recognized clubs and organizations' expenses that are campus-wide events or travel-related."

"It is important for all of you and any club on campus to come to see me if you have questions. I'm always in the SGA office," SGA Executive Treasurer Liz Busam said. "If anyone is ever unclear on anything concerning allotments or finances, you can ask."

SGA Executive Secretary Emma Brink echoed Busam's offer.

"If you hear of any clubs having lingering questions, you can tell them to visit the SGA office and we can explain things to them there," Brink said.

According to the bylaws of the SGA finance committee, the purpose of allotments is "to fund the ‘material' expenses of the club," including "equipment and material for regular operations."SGA give student clubs the option of applying for sponsorship from SGA for other expenses.

SGA concluded its meeting by voting on the appeals.

"I'm really proud of everyone for being able to make a decision on allotments," Gans said. "We were able to work through things pretty fast, so I'm happy that we were able to get all of our allotments finished."