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Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024
The Observer

Thank you, Maem!

In St. Ed's, we live a little messily. Sometimes our trash overflows, every once in a while we leave food in the lounge and at the year's beginning we flood the halls with sawdust. God knows we're a nightmare to clean up after. Even though we don't deserve her, we're lucky enough to have MaemDetaksone.

Maem works tirelessly as the St. Ed's cleaning woman. She cleans four floors worth of hallways, bathrooms and lounges, almost always without help. Day in and day out, she never complains, even though it used to take two people to do her job. Thanks to Maem, all 170 of us can enjoy a tidier dorm than any college-age guy has any right to expect.

But Maem is more than just a worker; she's a part of our family. Every morning as we leave for classes, she greets us with a smile and wishes us good luck. If she saw you studying for a test, she'll ask you how it went later in the week. If she notices you were sick, she'll see if you're feeling better. Even if she's busy doing half a dozen things at once, Maem will gladly take a minute to chat. Every day, Maem goes above and beyond her duties and helps makes us all feel at home.

We Stedsmen are blessed with the best housekeeper on campus. Maem is sweet, hard-working and incredibly dedicated.

Maem, you make every day better, and we wouldn't trade you for the world.

Happy Maem Appreciation Day!

The Men of St. Ed's
St. Edward's Hall
Nov. 6

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.