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Saturday, March 8, 2025
The Observer

Thanks for reporting

I want to thank Anna Boarini for her Nov. 14 article, "Lecture explores Church teachings." I am grateful for her fair reporting of my  St. Mary's College "Theology on Fire" series lecture "The Church and Same-Sex Attraction" which I gave the previous night.
In spite of concerns voiced by some present and former SMC faculty members that my presence and presumed views would be too "controversial" and "isolating," I found the larger than usual audience of mostly students both attentive to and respectful of what I said. I am grateful that - at least among the SMC students and others who attended - "diversity" and "tolerance" also included me, a person with whom some members of the audience apparently came prepared to disagree.
As a Saint Mary's dad of 1999 and 2007 (and a Notre Dame dad of 1997 and 2005), I am pleased that undergraduate students at Saint Mary's (and Notre Dame) are still being taught to see, hear, think and decide for themselves what is true!
Philip Sutton  
Class of 1973
South Bend, IN
Nov. 19

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.