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Monday, March 17, 2025
The Observer

People make memories

In this space exactly one year ago, I said one year feels like a long ways away. Well it’s here, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. Seriously, I honestly don’t know what to think.

I started at The Observer during my first week of college — my first assignment was to cover a Pasquerilla West interhall football game. And ever since then, well, I’ve been hooked.

My time spent at Notre Dame is not complete without The Observer. My effort exerted at Notre Dame is not complete without The Observer. My life at Notre Dame is not complete without The Observer, which ultimately means that my memories from Notre Dame would not be complete without The Observer.

But great experiences make great memories, and great people make great experiences. And here, at The Observer, I couldn’t find a greater group.

I’ve done my job over the past year for these people, because they have done so much for me, individually and collectively. That’s what motivated me, and that’s why the reward was so fulfilling.

Out of an assignment, I found a rush of blood. Out of solitude, I found confidence. And out of the basement of South Dining Hall, I found lifelong friends.

Which is why I’ve been haunted by a question asked so much of me the last week. Every time I saw someone from The Observer within the last few days, he or she asked me, “Are you sad to be done?” Yeah, you know what, I am sad to be done. But I’m happy they asked this question, when they could have asked, “Are you happy to be done?”

I’m happy to be asked because this place and these people mean so much to me. That someone would consider me more sad than happy to move on is the ultimate compliment to what I have done throughout the past three-and-a-half years.

I won’t miss the hours or the workload or even the fruit snacks. But in the long run you don’t remember being on-call 24/7, the stress or the Easy Mac meals. You remember the people. So for that, I will miss Deb and Meghan and everyone else who I have befriended and given me so much inspiration. You know I would have listed you all, but I can hear the orchestra playing.

I still don’t know what to think, other than my time spent here is something I will never get back. For the rest of my life, I will live with these memories and with nostalgia teasing me by asking ,“Remember when … ” No matter what, I just hope I’ve made my mark here and with you.

However big or small, we all make a mark on this community. Mine just happened to be made in black and white newsprint. Here’s to hoping that mark will never fade away.


The views expressed in the Inside Column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.