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Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024
The Observer

Saint Mary’s student tests positive for COVID-19 after traveling abroad

A Saint Mary’s undergraduate student tested positive for COVID-19, interim vice president for student affairs Linda Timm announced in an email Monday. The unidentified student returned to the U.S. on March 13 after traveling abroad.

“[The student] came directly to campus to retrieve personal belongings from her residence in Le Mans Hall,” Timm said in the email. “She did not spend the night and reported that she did not come in contact with other students.”

The student started showing symptoms March 17 and elected to be tested for COVID-19. She received positive results Sunday, Timm said, and the College was notified of her condition that night.

“Currently, the student is recovering at home, receiving medical care and is in good spirits,” Timm said. “She has been in contact with one of our staff nurses as well as her local health department and is following quarantine guidelines.”

Timm reminded students to continue practicing good health hygiene and appropriate social distancing, as well as staying updated on the CDC’s latest information and safety recommendations.