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Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024
The Observer

Saint Mary’s to cancel Honors Convocation, departmental hoodings in light of COVID-19

Saint Mary’s will cancel Honors Convocation and departmental hoodings of undergraduate students, scheduled between April 29 and May 3, following the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations, provost and senior vice president Titilayo Ufomata announced in a campus-wide email Wednesday.

The CDC recommends against hosting gatherings of 10 or more people until at least May 10.

“We know that these formal celebrations are an important part for students as they move from Saint Mary’s to their next adventure, but the health and welfare of our students, faculty and staff are paramount,” she said in the email. “We encourage departments, to the best of their ability, to find ways to honor the graduating class, through virtual ceremonies or at least formal announcements of awards and acknowledgment of the class of 2020.”

Ufomata said in the email the College will publish the Honors Convocation program with the names of all honorees included May 1 and post it on the College’s website.

The College and departments will forward the awards — certificates, gifts, etc. — to the home addresses of the students receiving awards, the email said.

“This is an inadequate substitute, but we will attempt to honor the class of 2020 as best we can,” Ufomata said.

According to the email, at this point, the state of commencement activities are still unknown.

“We are continuing to assess options and will keep everyone informed of future decisions,” she said. “We remain hopeful and determined to properly celebrate the class of 2020 and their accomplishments in some way while keeping our community safe.”