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Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024
The Observer

Saint Mary's students create commuter club

Eight Saint Mary’s students have created a Commuter Student Association in response to the needs of commuter students at the College.

“I’m hoping the Commuter Student Association allows commuters to voice their ideas and any concerns they may have, while also providing them with a better sense of community,” the vice president of the club, Aubrey Saros, said. “Being a Saint Mary's Belle should extend past the walls of campus dorms.”

President and founder of the club Taylor Murphy said her concerns for commuter students stems from her own experience being a student living on and off campus. Murphy lived in Regina Hall for her first two years at Saint Mary’s, and then moved off campus. She said she has felt commuters can feel out of the loop when it comes to campus events, particularly community building ones.

In light of these needs, Murphy pitched the idea of a commuter club, first to her friends, then to professor of nursing Jennifer Riggs and then to the Belle Tower.

“Many of us have faced adversity and challenges as commuter students and that’s why we are so passionate about making a difference for those students by creating this club,” Saros said.

Courtesy of Taylor
Saint Mary's students recently created a club to make a difference for commuting students on campus.

Murphy and Saros both expressed shock at how quickly the Commuter Student Association received approval; they submitted the club proposal on Feb. 19, and it was approved by by Feb. 20.

Together the eight women quickly sketched out the Instagram profile picture, collaborated on the creation of an Instagram account and got to planning as well as advocating.

Both Murphy and Saros have been overwhelmed by the recognition, aid and publicity their club has received in such a short amount of time, including the support of friends who have been sharing the Commuter Student Association Instagram page as well as that of various faculty within Saint Mary’s who have offered resources for the success of the club.

“[They have offered their help] because they too believe commuter students need to have a voice on campus,” Saros said.

Taylor and Saros said they hope to do a few fundraisers and club events this semester, as well as create and sell club merch. Murphy also encouraged commuters to keep an eye out for an email including information about a welcome event coming soon.

Murphy said the number one goal for the Commuter Student Association “is to be what commuters need us to be.”

They plan to do so, first and foremost, by building a strong foundation for the club both for the sake of its success and so that it can one day comfortably be handed over. Murphy said someday she hopes their group will be so well known that it will simply be called “CSA.”