Though I lack the experience or talent, I consider myself a baking expert at this point all thanks to my quarantine favorite, “The Great British Baking Show.”
After watching the entire series multiple times in 2020, I know how to prove different types of dough, don’t even attempt a chocolate collar and you should never use artificial extracts. Now that three out of 10 episodes of the new season are out on Netflix and three bakers are eliminated, here are my way-too-early predictions for the remaining contestants.
Freya: The Young’un, always a strong character. With creativity and finesse, Freya has shown a steady hand and phenomenal technical skill to create not only delicious cakes, biscuits, and bread, but vegan versions. She hasn’t had a bad bake yet, and I predict she will be one of the three finalists with at least one Star Baker by the end. Plus, I adore her Gen Z style and humor.
Giuseppe: The season always has a Foreign Baker and out of the several nationalities repping this year, Giuseppe is the classic Italian baker. He knows how to appeal to the judges, and with style, substance and the enormous title of Star Baker of bread week, I predict he will join Freya in the final.
Maggie: She’s Grandmother, the lovable old school baker who dazzles with experience and love-infused bakes. However, the grandmother figure usually falters in the later, more difficult half of the season. While I would normally have the Grandmother making it to episode six, she struggled during both biscuit and bread week. I believe Maggie’s fate is entirely dependent on the next two themes.
Jurgen: The Science Baker of the season. He excelled and earned two consecutive star bakers before falling short in bread week. I personally don’t think he deserved the two accolades, since his bakes lacked the finesse of Freya, Giuseppe and Crystelle. But he’s a planner, good with flavors, and as we saw in bread week, can make a comeback. I predict he will join Freya and Giuseppe in the final.
Chigs: My favorite baker, the bestie of everyone in the tent. He’s only been baking since quarantine, and it appeared at first he was just here for the vibes. However, he pulled out a phenomenal standing biscuit show-stopper and amazing flavors throughout the competition thus far. I have him going out in the quarter finals, when his inexperience finally and tragically will catch up to him.
Crystelle: I’m obsessed with her. I think she was snubbed star baker in episode one for her stunning and delectable chocolate flower bouquet cake. She can deliver beautiful bakes (think the gingerbread vanity) with substance to back them up. I predict she will clasp Star Baker at least once but fall painfully short in the semi finals.
Amanda: The Mom-down-the-block type. I was HOLLERING when she made her biscuit rocking horse out of sugar cookie dough?! Although she has made up for it and her recent red octopus bread wowed, I’m not sure if she has what it takes to go much further than episode four or five.
George: The Nervous Baker who is really good when they pull it together. He’s managed to impress the last four bakes and he has shown real talent with flavors and creativity. Unfortunately, time is not his friend. It’s episode five or six for him, but I desperately want him to go further.
Lizzie: Quirky, bright in style and not easily knocked down by bad bakes, she’s a dark horse for me, ironically. I don’t think she can execute as well as some other bakers in the signatures and showstoppers, which I think will ultimately be her downfall. She’s a wildcard, but I don’t see her making it to the quarter finals.
Finally, my predictions for the winner takes all. It’s going to be close, but I’m giving my way-too-early cake stand trophy to Giuseppe. He’s experienced, calm under pressure, good with flavors and artistic — all needed to excel at the most difficult challenges.
I adore the constancy and simultaneous twists and turns of the bake off. It’s a good season, folks. Watch Fridays to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Way-Too-Early predictions: Bake off edition
Makayla Hernandez | The Observer