Hide it under a bushel? No!
I’m sure many of us have heard, or even participated in, the post-Milkshake Mass traditions of slapping those Newman Hymnals closed, declaring “Yay God!” and waiting for one of the wonderful Dillon Hall piano accompanists — Noah Bongiovanni and Wil Zinkan — to play those pickup notes on the piano letting everyone know that we’re gonna sing a couple verses of “Let It Shine” to close out the night. It doesn’t always happen, but sometimes we even make it to a third verse that I have often found very entertaining: “Hide it under a bushel? No! I’m gonna let it shine! Hide it under a bushel? No! I’m gonna let it shine! Hide it under a bushel? No! I’m gonna let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine!” But can we commit to not hiding our lights under bushels? Let me share a couple of anecdotes that exemplify both the difficulty with, and the importance of, letting our light shine, with some tidbits of advice I’m certainly unqualified to give sprinkled in along the way.
- “I sometimes feel like I have to downplay ACE because my friends might get upset.”
- “I don’t want to be that girl, you know, the one who talks about her boyfriend too much.”
Allow me to bolster this particular point by respecting my byline and finding recourse in law, more specifically the laws of the Catholic Church. I had the privilege, last semester, to take two classes with the esteemed Fr. John Paul Kimes: Catholic Legal Tradition, which was about the history of the Catholic Church and its role in the development of various bodies of law, and Canon Law, which surveyed the 1983 edition of the Code of Canon Law. One point which we focused on in that class was the set of canons about the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. While canon 1055 of the Code notes that “the matrimonial covenant … is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring,” the Code also demands of priests that they provide proper pastoral care not only to married people but to everyone else in the Church about the purposes of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, and in particular the fact that spouses “share in the mystery of the unity and fruitful love between Christ and the Church.” In short, marriage does not have the exclusive purpose of edifying the individuals who take part in it, but rather the even wider purpose of edifying the whole Church. If this is true, then shouldn’t we as the Christian faithful act like it in how we prepare people to enter into that sacrament? Shouldn’t we allow ourselves to be edified by the joys of the relationships that people around us have entered into?
Maybe our hesitance to be vulnerable in sharing these joys with others — and our hesitance to be willing to receive those joys without resentment or jealousy — are both grounded in something deeper than just being annoyed at our friends and how much they talk about the people they’re into at any given point in time. Perhaps instead the issue is that we’re really hiding our very selves under bushels. It is all too easy, when interacting with other people, to refrain from sharing the parts of ourselves that we fear are harder to love. As we begin a new semester, may we be intentional about seeking out and then practicing an agapic, Christly sort of love to crush these doubts and fears, be more open with each other about the things that we’ve been hiding under bushels, and truly allow our little lights to shine.
Devin is a member of Notre Dame Law School’s class of 2023. Originally from Farwell, Michigan, he is a 2020 graduate of Michigan State University’s James Madison College. In his free time, he sings with the Notre Dame Folk Choir and discusses the legal developments of the day with anyone who will listen. Inquiries into his surplus of law journal article and note ideas can be directed to dhumphr2@nd.edu, or @DevinJHumphreys on Twitter.