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Friday, Sept. 20, 2024
The Observer

Senate amends deadline to nominate The Shirt president

The Notre Dame student senate convened Wednesday evening to amend the Constitution’s deadline to approve the nomination of The Shirt Project president and approve the nomination of a new Student Union treasurer.

The senate had not met for two weeks due to the University snow day last Wednesday; therefore, the senate approved the minutes from January 26.

Student body vice president and senior Matthew Bisner gave an update on issues discussed at the last meeting, when students were having trouble ordering at-home COVID-19 tests to residence hall addresses. Bisner explained how after talking with the University postmaster and the postmaster in Indianapolis, they realized Baumer and Johnson Family Halls were registered as businesses addresses, not residential addresses.

“That’s being corrected,” Bisner said. “I don’t have a timeline on those corrections but at least the Postal Service is aware.”

Moving into general orders, Student Union treasurer Meenu Selvan and parliamentarian Madison Nemeth brought a resolution to the table. The resolution, SO 2122-14, proposed an amendment to move up the deadline for the Financial Management Board (FMB) to nominate and the senate to approve The Shirt Project president. The current deadline was prior to November 1, but with the amendment, the deadline would be prior to May 1 of the same year, and the new president would assume the role the day after the unveiling of The Shirt.

Selvan said the resolution was created to streamline the process of nominating the president.

“It’s kind of weird because if FMB were to say no to the nomination for the president, that person has already been doing work, so like what would you do?” Selvan said.

The resolution passed unanimously.

Next, the senate unanimously passed resolution SO 2122-16 to fill the vacancy of the senator position in the undergraduate community in Fischer Graduate Residences, as less than eight weeks remain in the term.

The resolution unanimously passed. On the recommendation of Judicial Council and the Fischer Graduate president, Imani Mathenge will fill the vacant position until April 1.

To finish general orders, Selvan, current Student Union treasurer, recommended junior Claire Sison as the new Student Union treasurer. In her recommendation, Selvan noted how Sison contributed to the treasurer’s office and FMB, shared insights on The Shirt committee funding and attended the Spring Allocation and Winter Spending Review meetings.

The senate unanimously approved Selvan’s recommendation for Sison.

To wrap up the meeting, senators brought new business to the floor. Keough Hall senator Benjamin Erhardt discussed continuing efforts to better survey constituents’ concerns — noting that the senate has seen few resolutions this semester. Judicial Council president David Haungs added that he will be meeting with the Office of Community Standards to discuss and evaluate election sanctions from Du Lac violations.