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Friday, Oct. 18, 2024
The Observer

Sibling rivalry

As twins, my brother and I have spent most of our lives together. We attended the same grade school and high school and could very easily relate to one another when it came to the joys and stresses of everyday life. People have occasionally asked us if we have “twin telepathy, ” and while our answer is always no, we do share a close bond with occasional moments of competitiveness. 

After graduating from high school, we knew that going to college would be our first time going to different schools, as well as our longest time apart from each other. While I decided to stay in the midwest and attend Notre Dame, my brother decided to venture out to the east coast and attend Boston College. While we once saw each other every day, we now only see each other every couple of months during the school year. In two separate areas of the country, a mere 887 miles apart, we manage to remain close through FaceTime calls and Snapchat. And, even though we thought we’d no longer be able to relate to one another as much as we used to prior to attending different colleges, we still find ourselves able to relate in many ways, whether it’s about a class we found challenging or something fun we did over the weekend.

Given that we attend rival schools, Nov. 19 is a date that we have both been anticipating for a while for obvious reasons. It’s the date where our two schools will finally play one another. In grade school and high school, we were able to cheer for the same teams. The same thing can be said about all of our favorite Chicago sports teams. Our passion for the Blackhawks, the Bears and the Cubs runs deep. However, this will truly be the first time where we will be sitting on opposite sidelines. I’ll proudly be wearing my Notre Dame game day attire and cheering for the Irish, while my brother will be wearing Boston College gear and cheering for the Eagles. The Holy War between Notre Dame and Boston College is sure to bring out our competitive sides. I mean, if we’re being totally honest, our sibling rivalry was made clear from the moment we realized our schools would be playing one another.

Even though my brother will be visiting for the football game, he’s just as excited to see all that Notre Dame has to offer. He fell in love with the campus while helping me move in prior to the start of classes in August. He has already told me he wants me to give him the full Notre Dame experience. So wherever the day takes us, whether we’re grabbing a sandwich from Chick-fil-a (because apparently there aren’t many in close proximity to Boston College), going for a walk to the Grotto or around the lake, or simply just enjoying the game, I know it is sure to be am unforgettable experience for the both of us.

And who knows, after spending time on Notre Dame’s campus, maybe I’ll be able to convert him into an Irish fan.

Isabelle Kause is a sophomore at Notre Dame studying sociology and minoring in journalism. When she’s not busy, you can find her listening to country music or Taylor Swift or trying out new makeup/skincare products. She can be reached at

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.