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Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024
The Observer

Notre Dame Right to Life hosts annual Life Fest on South Quad

Notre Dame Right to Life hosted Life Fest on South Quad on Friday.

Notre Dame Right to Life hosted Life Fest Friday Sep. 8., providing information about opportunities to get involved with the club and other anti-abortion organizations.

Anne Marie Bollman, a senior at Notre Dame and Right to Life commissioner said the organization was working with an outside organization called Let Them Live to raise money.

“Let Them Live is an outside organization that we’re partnering with to raise money for a particular mom who’s in a crisis pregnancy and who has chosen life for her child but needs financial support,” she said.

Bollman said being anti-abortion is truly empowering for a woman. 

“I think it is truly empowering for a woman because it helps all of us see what a gift life is, and it teaches us how connected we are to each other,” Bollman said. 

Right to Life encourages conversation about anti-abortion issues through their presence on campus, Bollman explained.

“Because obviously, people have lots of different opinions on this campus which is great,” Bollman said. “But by having that pro-life voice, we can engage with students, who even just have questions.”

Belles for Life of Saint Mary’s president Kathryn Schneider, a sophomore, said Belles for Life is hoping to promote their club and engage with Notre Dame Right to Life.

“We’re doing different events, and then we’re trying to work with Notre Dame Right to Life more so that we can get events together,” she said. “They invited us to have a table here to let people know about our events.”

Sophia Cousins, a freshman at Saint Mary’s, said she was happy with the resources at the event.

“I am really happy with how there’s so many resources. I didn’t realize that the life community was so strong here,” she said. “I think that’s just wonderful.”

Cousins said the dialogue and conversation helps clarify what the anti-abortion movement stands for.

“A lot of times, especially with the pro-life movement, people don’t understand what we stand for, or stand against,” she said. “So talking about it helps clarify and usually opens people’s eyes to the good that we’re looking for.”

The anti-abortion is fighting for respect, according to Cousins.

“The pro-life movement is fighting for respect not only for women, but for their children and also for families, fathers as well,” Cousins said. 

Jazmin Zamudio, a freshman at Notre Dame, said she heard about the event through the Right to Life club and her dorm.

“Actually on activities night, I had joined the GroupMe, and they started posting about it,” Zamudio said. She also said she heard about the event through the Welsh Family Hall GroupMe. 

Zamudio said she’s passionate about life and wants to be an OB-GYN.

“I’m very passionate about pro-life, and I've always wanted to be an OB-GYN,” Zamudio said. “That’s my goal in the future, so I find things like this so fascinating.”

Zamudio explained she wanted to become an OB-GYN because she wants to help girls in the future. She added that she has always held an anti-abortion stance.

“I’ve always been pro-life, but I am not against people who are in situations. I’m not gonna judge them, but me personally, it’s something that I wouldn’t do,” Zamudio said. “There’s obviously very hard circumstances that women are put in, so if they decide to do it, it’s their body. They should do it.”