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Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025
The Observer

Student Union hosts showcase for freshmen class

Eager for early participation from Notre Dame’s newest class, leading members from branches of the Student Union hosted an hour-long showcase Tuesday, with the intent of outlining different ways for first years to get involved with campus governance. 

Student Body President Daniel Jung expressed his excitement about the event and its promising attendance.

“It’s always inspirational to see so many first years really care deeply about the Notre Dame Community, so much so that in only their third week they want to help and build this community,” Jung stated.

The other presenters mirrored Jung’s enthusiasm, with leaders from each section of the Student Union giving speeches about the virtues of their respective branches.

From the freshman perspective, the door to participation seemed to be opened much wider than most were expecting. 

“I was kind of caught off guard going in seeing how many different branches there were, it can be a little bit overwhelming,” Lindsey Lark, a freshman from McGlinn Hall, commented. “But they definitely did a really good job of explaining everything.”

Presentations were heard from representatives of the Class Councils, Student Government, Student Union Board, Club Coordination Council and Judicial Council. Many branches were excited to reveal the specific first year programs they offer such as the First Undergraduate Experience In Leadership (FUEL) from Notre Dame Student Government and First Look into Programming (FLIP) from the Student Union Board.

Despite the breadth of information presented, many freshmen left more optimistic about their odds of having an opportunity to contribute. Lark ended her night on the hopeful note that “everyone has a chance to get involved.”

Presenters characterized these applied positions as great ways for students to get started on their political careers at Notre Dame. Anyone who displayed interest in a branch of the Student Union was highly encouraged to find more information online. Every branch has its own webpage.

After half an hour of questions and conversations after the showcase, freshmen returned to their dorms, many looking forward to the various options they had been introduced to that evening. On his walk back to Duncan Hall, freshman Matt Wich was confident about how the session had gone.

“I’m extremely excited to be involved for the next four years. I’m sure everyone in the auditorium took that away, because there is so much to do and there are so many opportunities for students,” he said.