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Saturday, March 1, 2025
The Observer

Nick Adams event

Internet ‘alpha male’ speaks at College Republicans event, discussing Hooters, America

“Have you ever met anyone with a command of the English language like Nick Adams? No, I didn’t think so,” the internet commentator Nick Adams asked an audience of Notre Dame students. He followed up with another question: “Am I better looking in person or on Twitter?”

When Adams took to the podium of DeBartolo 136 on Monday evening, you could count the number of women on one hand in the crowd of approximately 75 people filling the small lecture room.

In an event hosted by College Republicans, Adams spoke about America and offered advice for “alpha males” on everything from women to Chipotle, and how he might behave at a Hooters with Jesus in attendance.

Adams, an Australian-American political commentator, is widely known on the internet for right-wing views he espouses in an “exaggerated and over-the-top manner, leading some to believe he is not being completely sincere,” according to his Know Your Meme page, which references his extensive defense of the restaurant chain Hooters. On his website, Adams identifies himself as an “Alpha Male. President Trump’s Favorite Author. Presidential Appointee.”

Ahead of his visit, Adams promoted the event with a video posted on X. Sitting in front of a poster of Lebron James as Mao Zedong, Adams told his followers to “get your tickets now,” even though the event was unticketed. When asked for a link to purchase tickets, he simply responded with an image of the poster. He also weighed in on Fighting Irish football, writing that the new playoff rules “are designed to punish pro-God independent schools like Notre Dame,” and that “The system is rigged against pro-God alpha males!”

Monday night’s event began with remarks by junior Elliot Anderson, the president of College Republicans. 

“I can see that we have a lot of alpha males and alpha females in the crowd,” he said.

Adams’s actual remarks were introduced by a five-minute YouTube video that played on the screen while the speaker stood by the door on his phone.

At the opening of his remarks, Adams talked about the blessings of America.

“I look you students in the eyes and I tell you that the day that you were born in the United States of America, or the day that you moved permanently to the United States of America is the day that you won the lottery of life,” he said. “And you got the most amazing, the most remarkable, the most incredible, the most sensational headstart on anyone and everyone everywhere else.”

Adams told the audience that in America, failure is not fatal, mentioning the failures of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Henry Ford and PT Barnum.

“Colonel Sanders had his recipe for fried chicken rejected 1,009 times before he got a taker … real alpha male he was,” he said.

Adams also envisioned a world without America, and argued there would be disastrous consequences.

“No matter who you are, where you come from, what you do, which one of the new 57 different genders you choose to identify with, what bathroom you like to use, even if you have never so much as even set your little toe on American soil, it's in your interest that America be as robust as self-confident as self-assertive, and as healthy as possible,” he said.

Adams said the idea wasn’t a new one.

“That's not my hypothesis that I've scribbled on the back of a cocktail napkin after a few too many Guinnesses at Rohr’s, with the Notre Dame thing on the top,” he added.

Adams described his worldview as one that stood against political correctness.

“Political correctness mandates that success and achievement be a measurement of how much butt you kiss as opposed to how much butt you kick. What could be more un-American and anti-Notre Dame than that?” he asked. “As you know, I don't have a lot of time for political correctness. I believe there are two genders and one national anthem. I believe that most of the problems in society today begin with boneless wings and playing Fortnite and end in gender pronouns and communism.”

“I know you were waiting for that,” he said to the crowd’s laughter and applause, before referring to his affinity for Hooters.

“My favorite establishment is Hooters. I love the Daytona style wings. The view is pretty good too. Not that I go there for the view. But it is a nice perk,” he added.

Adams also discussed his online fame.

“I am on Twitter's Mount Rushmore, as all of you know, one of the most engaged accounts that there is,” he said before asking the room who had received a Cameo from him, and who subscribed to his premium Twitter account for five dollars a month.

After calling LeBron James a “beta,” pronouncing it beet-a, and saying he wished he could “teach him a thing or two about basketball,” Adams offered up his rules for alpha males.

“If a young lady for example comes along make sure that this is in full sight. But you have a list of do-nots in this dorm. Never mask up. Never apologize. Never pick up the Fortnite controller. Always read the Bible. And if there is even a remnant of soy anyway in the dormitory the sheila has got to go,” he said, utilizing the Australian slang for girl.

He said that women appreciated his brand of alpha male.

“Nice women will tell you that they want alphas,” he said, adding, “Let me say, I do love Catholic women.”

A professor in the audience asked Adams if Trump would win, or if he’d win.

Calling the professor an alpha male, Adams proceeded to call Nikki Haley a “nasty woman” and celebrate Trump.

“I do think that we are witnessing the greatest political comeback in history by the country's greatest-ever alpha male. The man has endurance and ability to transcend pain, unlike anybody that I've ever seen, and I can guarantee you that he likes his coffee like Nick Adams, alpha male, hot and black. There is zero almond milk in the equation. Zero cashew milk in the equation. He has lots of chicken wings, bone-in and he certainly had no shortage of ribeye,” Adams said.

Another questioner said he wasn’t a student. 

“I feel out of place. I'm sweating like a whore in church,” the man said, before asking Adams if he was going to apologize. 

Adams said he wouldn’t do so.

“I don’t wanna use the language here, but it's never gonna something happen. That's the NGFH that I always say, or I just tell you to get bent,” he said. “When I cast my eye across this room, I see strong men.  I see Churchillian men. I see Trump-like men. And that's what America needs.”

Adams also extolled former Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow.

“When I think of Tim Tebow and Urban Meyer, I think of Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. I think Shaq and Kobe, I think of Nick Adams and Donald Trump,” he said.

In a discussion of Trump’s potential running mates, he called South Dakota governor Kristi Noem “easy on the eyes.” He also criticized Mike Pence.

“The greatest Judas of American politics hails from this state, Mike Pence. He broke the nation's heart. Sadly, and you can tell that he's never been to a Hooters. At least not without his wife. I think she's got him on a leash,” he said.

Adams also discussed the Chipotle boycott he is currently pushing for, telling a student that his “sweaty foursome buddies” who ate Chipotle, pronouncing it ‘Chipottul,’ had issues.

“I'm sure this is impacting other areas in their life. I'm sure they've got more of a floppy disk than a hard drive,” he said.

Asked about Taylor Swift, Adams called her a “gold-digging jezebel” who was “only after Travis’s money.”

“Taylor Swift is one of the most pernicious, poisonous and dangerous toxins in our society. This is a lady that plows through men like a John Deere plows through a wheat field in Indiana,” he said.

Adams also prescribed a morning routine for alpha males, including waking up at four a.m., eating six raw eggs and putting a 42 ounce tomahawk steak on the grill, followed by a coffee.

“Make yourself a nice hot black coffee, okay. If you like hot black women make your coffee like hot black women,” he said. “Then pick up the telephone and start making those deals. Seven figures.”

Adams also called the Infiniti QX he purchased “a chick magnet,” saying he bought it after boycotting Jaguar for sending out a “happy holidays” email.

He also said he wanted an all-male gym because of the distractions.

“Every time I go to the gym, these young women, and I know that they're only human, I know that they can't help it, but they just spend the whole time mentally undressing me,” he said.

Asked about his favorite domestic beer, Adams said it was “ice cold Yuengling” to cheers.

“Boys, it is liquid gold. It is rip-your-face-off good. After a hot, sweaty foursome on the golf course, there is nothing more than you want to see than a frosted glass with ice-cold Yuengling in it, waiting to meet your lips and gush down your throat,” he said.

Asked about his ideal foursome, Adams first pulled up a six-and-a-half-minute video in the style of MTV’s “Cribs.”

He then told the audience the three that would join him would be Donald J. Trump, Jesus and Arnold Palmer.

“We’d have some Daytona style wings. We’re going to Hooters, aren’t we?” he said. “And hopefully we’d get a nice waitress. You know, and I’d try and be on my best behavior in front of Jesus. You can trust me and the president, we might … we might get up to some mischief,” he said.

The final question was about Adams’s childhood cancer surgery.

“You gotta love women, don’t you,” Adams said. He proceeded to say the experience motivated him.

“Once I became of an age where I could properly comprehend the magnitude of my escape, I resolved to never ever waste a single second of a minute of an hour of a day of a month of a year ever. And I'm very happy to be able to report to you here tonight, but I have very much lived up to that self-commitment,” he said.

Adams said that his fame and achievements were the result of present American culture.

“I would say that my achievements have more to do with the culture in the United States that I've been operating in than me. Personally, I've been the great beneficiary of the greatest culture in the world,” he said.