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Friday, Sept. 27, 2024
The Observer

College Democrats: Voting with a Christian conscience

It is no secret that Donald Trump’s words and actions do not reflect Christian character. From being found civilly liable for rape to having sympathy for violent hate groups, to spreading misinformation that contributes to racist rhetoric, to paying hush money to his mistress while he was in his third marriage, the list goes on. Especially egregious is his complete disrespect of God. 

Despite Jesus’ firm rejection of those who use the Lord for financial gain — in John 2:16, Jesus scolds those selling goods in the temple, urging them to “stop making my Father’s house a marketplace” — Trump has made over $300,000 by selling the “God Bless the USA Bible.” The “only Bible endorsed by President Trump,” according to its website, has signed copies selling for $1,000, as opposed to its regular $60 retail price. 

Though these actions reveal Trump’s un-Christian behavior, many Republicans attempt to protect themselves by saying that their vote is for “policy over character.” Trump’s policies, however, still fail to adhere to a moral, Christian compass. 

In Matthew 19:16-30, Jesus says to his disciples, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Yet Trump’s economic plan for 2024 reflects policies that only serve to benefit the rich. Research shows that top executive salaries and corporate earnings had drastic increases, while workers earning less than $114,000 saw “no change in earnings” as a result of Trump’s 2017 tax policies. Trump promises to reduce inflation by increasing tariffs, enacting mass deportation, and influencing interest rates. This not only has no grounding but will likely cause inflation to spike and unemployment rates to rise, as well as costing working-class families upward of $4,000 annually

In Matthew 10:5-15, Jesus calls on us to “cure the sick” and to give “without payment.” Yet Trump promotes policies that will strip Americans of life-saving healthcare and medications. He vows to end the Affordable Care Act while providing no semblance of an alternative — Trump risks leaving millions without healthcare. 135 million people with pre-existing conditions would lose protections, over 40 million people (including 2 million children) could become uninsured, and racial disparities in healthcare would worsen if Trump were to repeal the Affordable Care Act. 

In Matthew 25:31-46, when Jesus says, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me,” he praises those who embraced and gave respect to the foreigner. Yet Trump’s platform calls to not only “seal the border” but promises the “largest deportation operation in American history.” Not to mention, Trump was responsible for separating over 5,000 children from their parents as they attempted to cross the southern border. Jesus calls us to be sympathetic to and care for the immigrant, but Trump fans the flames of hatred that turn into violence with no remorse, while refusing to care for people seeking help. 

Jesus calls for the protection of children in Matthew 18:10-14, saying, “Take care that you do not despise one of these little ones.” Yet Trump continues to endorse actions that will and have harmed children. He persists in blocking gun control policies, such as limits on assault-style rifles and strengthening background checks. Not only is gun violence the leading cause of death for children in America, but it is proven that gun reform laws would lead to fewer gun deaths in the United States. Additionally, a second Trump term could return us to what the Children’s Defense Fund once called a “war on America’s children” for its stripping of funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Plan

Trump may proclaim to uphold Christian values, but his actions and policies reject much of what Jesus preached. Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, on the other hand, promotes policies that align with the teachings of Jesus. 

As Jesus teaches us to care for those in need, Vice President Harris will make housing more affordable with a $25,000 credit for first-time homebuyers and will enact a federal ban on price gouging for food and groceries. As Jesus teaches us to care for the sick, Harris will expand healthcare for all and reduce prescription drug costs. As Jesus teaches us to welcome the stranger as we would him, the Harris White House will create an attainable pathway to citizenship, while keeping our borders safe. As Jesus cared for children, Harris will expand the Child Tax Credit to bring more children out of poverty. 

It is the values that I have learned through Christianity that have informed my position as a Democrat — they capture the essence of how Jesus Christ taught us to live. Not selfishly or judgmentally, but with an eye toward justice and in line with his most essential message of loving thy neighbor. 

As Trump said at the June gathering of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, “go and vote, Christians, please,” I say the same. But I implore you to make the decision that will most align with what Jesus Christ has truly called us to do — protect the poor, the sick, the immigrant, the children. Do not allow yourself to become twisted in the virtue-signaling falsities proclaimed by Trump that only serve to drag us down as a nation and corrupt the name of Christianity.

Trista Brantley


co-president of the College Democrats of Notre Dame

College Democrats

The College Democrats of Notre Dame have agreed, along with the College Republicans of Notre Dame, to write a bi-weekly debate column in The Observer's Viewpoint section in the name of free, civil discourse in the 2024 election cycle. You can reach out to the College Democrats at

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.