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Saturday, March 29, 2025
The Observer


Director of the Center for the Study of Spirituality leaves priesthood

Dan Horan, Saint Mary's College director of the Center for the Study of Spirituality, announced Thursday he will leave the Franciscan order, effectively renouncing his Holy Orders.

“This personal transitus is reflected in my decision, in complete freedom, to leave the Franciscan order and petition the Holy See to be dispensed of the obligations of Holy Orders. This was not an easy decision, nor did I approach this discernment lightly. I have arrived at a place of peace and joy, certain that God has been with me each step of the way and continues to guide me now,” Horan wrote in a column in the National Catholic Reporter.

Horan used the Latin word “transitus” as a reference to the passage through death to life or rebirth and a nod to the theology of Saint Francis of Assisi, the founder of his order.

Horan specifically chose to leave the Franciscan order on the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi as a testament to the saint's “subtle changes and growth along a lifetime of spiritual journeying.”

Though Horan had been reflecting for several years, “after a substantial period of prayerful discernment,” he came to the conclusion of leaving the priesthood, citing the COVID pandemic as a “catalyst” for his discernment. 

“I was wrestling with what was most important in life, where my passions rested, and where and how God was calling me to serve the church and world,” Horan wrote.

No longer a Catholic priest or Franciscan friar, Horan mourns the loss of no longer serving the Catholic Church in this manner. However, he wrote he has internally reached “a place of peace and understanding” about his decision. 

Horan affirms this decision was not out of lack of faith, but of renewed belief and a testimony to the “surprising direction” of the Holy Spirit.

“I know that some people will want to know more about my discernment and the reasons why I have come to this decision, and I do plan to share more about my experience and vocational journey later,” Horan wrote. “For now, it is important for me to convey that this is a good thing for me personally and spiritually.”