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Monday, March 3, 2025
The Observer

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Coffee shop courtesy from a barista

Once upon a time, a college student riddled with stress walked into a trendy coffee shop. She walked past a line of customers, searched for an adequate table and promptly unpacked her emotional support water bottle and Apple ecosystem. She then sat down, opened Canvas and began her assignments while binge watching her comfort show on an iPad. She stayed there for five hours, never getting up from her table to order.

This faux customer never once purchased a coffee, pastry or sandwich. The baristas noticed but didn’t say anything. They figured maybe she was passing through town or simply had too many assignments to finish. That is until the student came in the next day, following the same pattern. And the next day. And the day after. Then the baristas became more curious.

Of course, they were puzzled at this student’s behavior: using the fast, free WiFi and clean bathrooms without buying anything — not even a $2.50 drip coffee. 

I’m one of those baristas, and I have been for six years. I’ve worked at two different coffee shops in Ohio, and I explore any cafe that my Honda Accord can take me to. From this experience and many others that I’ve witnessed, I can’t help but notice shifts in coffee shop etiquette and culture. What purchase constitutes an hours-long stay? Are we justified in pressing “no tip” as quickly as possible? What designates “right” and “wrong” in American cafes?

My coworkers and I never talked to the college student. We gave her the benefit of the doubt for the first two days, but eventually we became skeptical. It became clear that her repeated acts were deliberate: she only came into the shop to work, not buy. 

It seems small, someone minding their own business and keeping to themselves. At the coffee shop I work at, there’s no sign indicating that tables are for paying customers only. And there likely won’t be. So the customer isn’t exactly breaking a rule, but is not overstepping a common courtesy?

What’s overreaching is the expectation to reap a coffee shop’s amenities for free. For one, the non-paying visitor is taking space from paying customers who typically buy a drink and pastry or a drink and sandwich. This nearly $15 dollar purchase isn’t necessary, though. It’s courteous to buy anything before staying at a shop for hours — a simple drip coffee, an iced tea, a grilled cheese or even a bottle of water.

After encountering this student who occupied a table during peak hours, I couldn’t help but wonder if there are more considerations that are obvious to baristas but less obvious to customers.

In a place like a coffee shop, where tickets can be $5, $10 or $50, tipping can feel like the last problem on a calculus exam. If you’re me, you’re puzzled and conflicted. In math, you may not know the right answer, so you write “diverge” or “2.” In a coffee shop, you may aggressively press “no tip” or frantically place a few dollars in the tip jar, hoping to not make enemies with a barista.

But I don’t think tipping or other etiquette practices are as difficult. It’s true that coffee shops with quick, casual service aren’t the same as a traditional restaurant. Inherently, tips should be different — but they shouldn’t be eradicated (some believe no coffee shop order deserves a tip). In this light, there’s a few tipping guidelines I think most baristas and customers can see eye-to-eye on. 

Simply, orders for large groups, especially if dining in, should have a tip. It doesn’t have to be the traditional 20% or something close to that — a few dollars go a long way. Smaller orders don’t need a tip, but one is always appreciated, especially if eating in. That’s it. 

Another consideration is length of stay. Certain visits to a coffee shop are brought to an end naturally, usually through conversations, clean plates and noticing other customers needing to be seated. However, that’s typical for a group of people with food. What happens otherwise?

The state of the shop is paramount to this question and other acts of etiquette. Stay longer if the shop is slow, but consider leaving a little earlier if it’s busy (weekends, most notably). Being attentive seems like simple common sense because most of us behave reasonably, but consistently practicing courtesy goes a long way for baristas, restaurant staff and customer service workers alike.

Redmond Bernhold

Redmond (Reddy) Bernhold is a junior studying biochemistry and journalism. He originally hails from Minster, Ohio but calls Siegfried Hall his home on campus. When not writing, he explores South Bend coffee shops and thrift stores. You can contact Reddy at

The views expressed in this column are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Observer.