And just like that, spring break is upon us, and may I be the first to say that I am happier than ever to have a staycation. While the idea of venturing to an exotic resort sounded quite tempting, I realized it’s best if I gave myself (and my wallet) some time to recalibrate at home. So Chicago suburbs, here I come!
The thing about my adventures home, is whether it be a weekend or a month, the trip will fail if I do not go in with a plan of action. My two siblings will be at school and my parents will be at work, meaning I have the entire week all to myself where I can do whatever I please. Thus, I have already begun crafting up an itinerary in my notes app dedicated to such.
One of my goals this year has been to tap into things I used to enjoy when I was younger. This idea was ignited by an article I saw regarding adults struggling to find their passion, and how sometimes taking a glimpse at what you loved in childhood will often lead you to what you were looking for. I found this message quite insightful to hear because adulthood has begun to feel more real than ever, and while I am excited about the joys life after college will bring in regards to my career, it’s equally important to tend to the other parts of myself, too, and I realized I have neglected a lot of these parts of myself. But fear not, I have just the cure, and am eager to channel my inner child over the course of my spring break and beyond.
For one, I want to read an entire book. My goal for 2025 is to read one book per month, which I am having a difficult time doing, but I bought a reading light so hopefully that will give me the motivation I need to play catch up. I learned to read very early on and was sifting through Harry Potter by first grade. I have since fallen off the bookworm train and am trying to hop back on.
Another thing I used to do a lot is arts and crafts. From rainbow loom bracelets to duct tape flower pens, I was creating something new everyday after school. I recently made a cake for my roommate’s birthday (well I didn’t bake the cake but I did decorate it), and it was the first time in a long time that I had an artistic idea and executed it. I want to do that a lot more often. One of my friends loves crafting and is very good at tending to it often, as she always has some type of project going on. She got me a watercolor set for my birthday last year, and it has not been touched, so maybe I will try to break that spell. Or I will begin the college scrapbook I have been wanting to make for the last four years.
Now that we are nearing the transitional season of spring, I encourage you to shake off the dark winter cloud that has been looming over us the last however many months and embrace the second half of the semester by indulging in something you used to love. That young childlike wonder is still inside all every one of us, you just have to dig deep and find it again.
Moira Quinn is a senior at Saint Mary's College studying communication. When she isn't writing for The Observer, she can be found with friends, watching a good romantic comedy or missing her basset hound. You can contact Moira at