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Friday, March 28, 2025
The Observer


The Observer is the student-run, tri-weekly print and online newspaper serving Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross. Students at Notre Dame founded the organization in 1966. The Observer is funded by advertising revenue and a subscription fee paid by students of all three institutions. The Observer is editorially independent from the administrations of Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross.

As stated in the editorial policy, news is reported as accurately and objectively as possible. Though The Observer is produced by amateur journalists, its editors, reporters, photographers and designers strive to conduct themselves as professionals at all times.

The Observer publishes stories about local events and issues that affect students, staff and community members of Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross.

Story ideas predominantly are generated by department editors and their staff reporters. Tips and story suggestions are always welcome from members of the Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross community. Groups should pass along pertinent information to department editors or staff at least one week before a planned event, but we invite our readers to voice their thoughts on the scope and type of The Observer’s coverage by contacting editors directly or by writing Letters to the Editor to be printed in the Viewpoint section daily.

The views expressed in the comments posted on the pages of this site are not necessarily those of The Observer. The Observer reserves the right to moderate comments as fairly and consistently as possible.

Editors are always willing to discuss The Observer’s coverage of the Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s and Holy Cross community. They can be contacted at the phone numbers and email addresses printed each day on the second page of the paper and available on this site.