Student senate tests ND AI pilot and looks ahead to new term
On Wednesday evening, Notre Dame's student senate met for the second-to-last meeting of their term.
On Wednesday evening, Notre Dame's student senate met for the second-to-last meeting of their term.
The Center for Faith, Action and Ministry (CFAM) provides a variety of events and retreats for students to observe Lent.
On Wednesday evening in Morris Inn's Smith Ballroom, journalist and author Helen Zia discussed her life and work as part of Notre Dame’s Asian American Distinguished Speaker Series.
Andrea Elliott spoke on March 6 about her book “Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival & Hope in an American City.”
Notre Dame Campus Dining has partnered with 50/Cut, a mushroom-based meat product company, in an effort to make the dining hall more sustainable.
Notre Dame administration moved the start of the 2025 fall semester to Aug. 25. Adjustments to reading days and final exam dates accompanied this change.
The clinic will represent St. Isidore’s virtual charter school in Oklahoma in a case regarding government funding and religious freedom.
The vice chairman and acting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will speak at Notre Dame's commencement ceremony.
The Society of Women Engineers hosted the first-ever Mr. Engineering Pageant last Thursday. Mr. Aerospace was the pageant’s winner.
The University of Notre Dame was included on a list, released Friday, of 50 schools to be investigated by the U.S. Department of Education for race-based discrimination in their graduate programs.
Notre Dame will halt all new staff hiring in response to federal policy changes, according to an email sent to faculty and staff by University president Fr. Robert Dowd, provost John McGreevy and executive vice president Shannon Cullinan.
Author and poet Maria Kelson visited South Bend Wednesday and Thursday to participate in various initiatives with the Institute of Latino Studies and promote her debut novel, "Not the Killing Kind."
Construction began in February on Mendoza's north addition, a new trading room and the Behavioral Research Lab.
Experience Notre Dame announced country and rock singer Zach Bryan will perform at Notre Dame stadium on Saturday, Sept. 6.
Student body president-elect Jerry Vielhauer and vice president-elect Sonia Lumley reversed a decision to restructure student government's departments.
On Monday, The Humor Artists, in collaboration with SGA, performed at Saint Mary’s with a variety of game-based improv shows centered upon audience engagement.
The Lenten season will kick off with five Ash Wednesday masses at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart and continue with faith-based concerts, retreats and special meals.
Peter Beinart explored the ideological shifts shaping Jewish perspectives on Israel and Palestine, critiquing how Zionism has been used to justify policies that, he argues, dehumanize Palestinians and suppress critical discourse.
Saint Mary’s invited archaeological specialists and professors for an informal discussion panel.
Patient Advocacy Initiative staff speak on Notre Dame’s Rare Disease Day event and impact for the rare disease community.