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Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024
The Observer


The Observer

Weis charity to stay in South Bend


Despite former Coach Charlie Weis' firing Monday, his family's charity organization Hannah and Friends, named after Weis' daughter, will continue to be headquartered and operate primarily in the South Bend area.

The Observer

Students learn about off-campus life, rights


Moving off campus involves contracts, and knowing the terms of agreement is an important factor in successful off-campus living, University Associate Vice President for Resident Life Bill Kirk said during an informational meeting Tuesday night.

The Observer

Blood drive held at SMC


The Office of Civil and Social Engagement (OCSE) gave students the opportunity to save lives with a Red Cross blood drive in the Student Center lounge from noon until 6 p.m. yesterday.

The Observer

Decorations awake Christmas spirit


Football season may be over, but another is just beginning, as festive decorations have appeared on dorms and lights have been hung to brighten buildings and trees around campus to commemorate the holidays.

The Observer

New SUB controller appointed


In its weekly meeting Tuesday, the Council of Representatives discussed a number of pressing campus issues, the first being the appointment of Matt Howard to the position of Chief Controller for the Student Union Board (SUB).

The Observer

Four more clubs to receive funding


 As finals quickly approach, the Saint Mary's community is preparing for the stress that is to follow. The Saint Mary's Student Government Association (SGA) approved sponsorships for four different clubs at their meeting Monday night, most with study break themes in mind. 

The Observer

NASCAR team wins competition


Notre Dame's NASCAR Kinetics: Marketing in Motion team came away victorious this weekend at the national competition in Miami, team member and Notre Dame sophomore Cate Hefele said.

The Observer

New CIF incentive launched


Students who fill out their Course Instructor Feedback forms (CIFs) this semester will be able to view their grades about a week earlier than students who do not, Vice President and Associate Provost of Undergraduate Studies Dennis Jacobs said.

The Observer

Students share plans for break


 Typically when people think of Thanksgiving, they think of football, turkey and all the trimmings; however, Notre Dame and Saint Mary's students are thinking family, friends and service.

The Observer

iTunes U set to offer class content on Web


Last week, Notre Dame announced the launch of iTunes U, a partnership with Apple that allows schools to offer multimedia content on the Web, according to Todd Woodward, associate vice president for marketing communications.

The Observer

IT addresses Zimbra issues, updates servers


Saint Mary's Information Technology (IT) department is "absolutely" working to address the issues currently involved with Zimbra, Saint Mary's e-mail provider, Doug McKeown, senior technology engineer at the College, said.

The Observer

CSAP recommendations take effect


The Committee on Sexual Assault Prevention (CSAP), along with student government, offered 22 recommendations last spring, Ann Firth, associate vice president for Student Affairs said, and several of those recommendations have been implemented in the 2009-10 academic year.

The Observer

Dance Marathon sponsors spinoff


Saint Mary's Dance Marathon hosted a conference with representatives from Marian High School and Robyn Wood, Saint Mary's Riley Hospital adviser, Sunday afternoon as a learning experience for Saint Mary's associated "mini-marathon."

The Observer

Ivy Quad offers new housing opportunity


The new off-campus residence complex known as Ivy Quad doesn't just offer its residents a warm community and control over their home design. It gives them the chance to live in one of the region's first truly "green" multi-family homes.

The Observer

Students travel to SOA protest


Several Notre Dame students traveled to Fort Benning, Ga., this weekend to participate in watchdog group School of the Americas Watch's "Mass Mobilization to Shut Down the School of the Americas" protest.

The Observer

ND alumna speaks about Rock Band


The role of smart marketing decisions in the rise of the Rock Band video game phenomena was emphasized by Notre Dame alumna Christina Glorioso during her lecture at the Mendoza College of Business Friday.

The Observer

Ivy Quad offers new housing opportunity


The new off-campus residence complex known as Ivy Quad doesn't just offer its residents a warm community and control over their home design. It gives them the chance to live in one of the region's first truly "green" multi-family homes.