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Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024
The Observer



The popular politics of (dis)honesty


It’s not an excuse for bad performance but it should tame the rhetoric. We can’t blame these men for the circumstances of their birth. We can however hold them culpable for the promises they make. At all points, one must choose honesty.


Embrace the Extra(ordinary)


"It’s very easy to just go through the motions of everyday life – to function on autopilot rather than to keep a sense of wonder and actively practice gratitude."


Pressing play on college


When you are feeling alone, try to find a show that will remind you of the forgotten support you have around you.


The agenda of replacing the Rock’s weights


"This past summer, the deep state of Notre Dame revealed their commitment to suppressing our inert desire to live freely by replacing the weight room in the Rockne Gymnasium with a series of treadmills."

Basilica of the Sacred Heart

On Fr. Dowd's Notre Dame


For any monumental change to precipitate from Dowd's presidency — and to hold the attention of students, alumni and the world — the Notre Dame family must bestow faith.


In defense of ‘Olympia’


Is it wise to write off human beauty as fascist? Only an idiot would cede the use of as powerful a weapon as beauty to his enemy.


Dialectics: Detroit Red to X.


"The seed must die for a seedling to emerge. For a new life on earth, the birth pangs of a mother. It’s cold, in the heated sense, but it must happen."