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Friday, Sept. 20, 2024
The Observer


The Observer

Look up


I’ve seen six shooting stars since coming to college. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and most importantly, looking up at the sky.

The Observer

At the halfway point (a playlist)


This playlist reflects the growth of my music taste and my growth as a person. It’s a love letter to the good things and a memory book of the times I’ve struggled but managed to make it through.

The Observer

On Ethiopia, Ukraine and the problem of the color line


The war has gone on too long. It has caused a lot of suffering, death and destruction. No, I am not talking about the war in Ukraine. I am talking about the civil war in Ethiopia that has raged since November 2020 and has pitted the regional government of the Tigray region in Northern Ethiopia led by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front against the Federal government of Ethiopia led by Prime Minister Ahmed Ali. More than 500,000 people have died and many more have been displaced and left helpless because of this brutal conflict. While Tigrayans starve away under siege with only scanty help from the international community in a conflict that has lasted more than two years, last week the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen hosted a fundraiser for Ukraine at which over 9 billion Euros were raised for Ukrainian refugees. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, it is reported that more than 100 rebel groups and the Eastern part of the country has known no peace for several decades. In the Sahel region of West-Africa, countries there are battling the Islamic State and the lives of citizens have been destroyed. More than a decade after NATO aided the overthrow of Col. Muammar Gadhafi, Libya has been in endless turmoil. In all these conflicts there has been nothing more than limited involvement to decisively bring these conflicts to an end.